Energy system analysis of feasible options towards 100% renewable energy system in Germany
Sector Integration Approach
At the present chapter it was developed a recommendable scenario for 2050. This chapter is consisted of three parts.
On the first part, the process of developing the scenario as well as justifications of the assumptions and decisions made are presented
The second part is investigating the function of the scenario based on the detailed figures that were extracted by EnergyPLAN. Here, great attention has been paid on the interaction of the system’s components and how these interact within the system in an hourly base
The third part is analysing the performance of six selected technologies described on the developing phase and identifies their contribution within the energy system as the RE increases
The recommended scenario is developed in a way to achieve the same targets as the other three scenarios, as the aim is to provide an optimized proposal for the Energy Transition policy. This scenario is influenced by the previous scenarios in respect that the advantageous and successful aspects of them constituted good examples to adopt at the present scenario. Accordingly, possible inefficiencies identified in the previous chapter it was tried to be avoided. Moreover, the ideas and principles of Aalborg University Energy Planning department constituted inspiration for developing the scenario. In particular, the scenario is based in the sector integration approach, therefore it is called SIA scenario. The optimised integration of renewable energy power should involve not only electricity sector, but also heat supply and transportation. Furthermore, energy savings along with focus on energy efficiency would assist a transition towards 100% renewable energy systems by reducing energy demand. These suggestions constitute the core of sector integration approach.
Sector integration approach scenario at a glimpse
Reduce space heating demand by 60% compared with 2010 levels
25% of the heat demand is covered by district heating, equipped with heat pumps, thermal storage and solar thermal
Individual heating infrastructure: air-source, ground-source and natural gas-driven heat pumps, solar thermal and thermal storage
Transport energy needs are supplied by:
60% electricity (Electric vehicles in vehicle-to-grid mode)
30% hydrogen (Fuel cell vehicles)
30% synthetic fuels (Gas-to-liquid technologies)
Power-to-gas technologies (Electrolysers, Biomass gasification)
Flexible electricity demand
Comparison between Sector Integration Approach scenario and the rest ones
The analysis presented in this chapter has employed the same methodology like the first chapter of the analysis. Their only difference is that at the present chapter, the performance of the SIA scenario has been introduced. The chapter is divided in two parts:
On the first one, the feasibility of SIA scenario is identified through its performance to provide an inexpensive, environmental friendly and economically realistic alternative, complying with the governmental targets for 2050. The second part seeks to identify the flexibility of the system as the renewable power increases, showing its performance for different shares of RE.
![]() Primary energy supplyPrimary energy supply comparison by energy source, between SIA and rest scenarios. | ![]() CO2 emissions (corrected)CO2 emissions (corrected) of SIA scenario compared with the Reference and the other three 2050 scenarios | ![]() Total annual costsTotal annual costs comparison between SIA, Reference and rest 2050 scenarios. Fixed operational costs have been excluded in order to make more visible the fuel and the retrofit ones. |
![]() District heating balancingDistrict heating demand and production during three days of January 2050 according to SIA | ![]() El balancingElectricity demand and production during three days of January 2050 according to SIA scenario | ![]() Fuel Consumption (excl. RESFuel Consumption (excl. RES) for varying wind energy until the actual generated amount of each scenario, comparing SIA with the Reference and rest 2050 scenarios |
![]() CEEPCritical excess electricity production for varying wind energy until the actual generated amount of each scenario, comparing SIA with the Reference and rest 2050 scenarios | ![]() CO2 emissions "corrected"CO2 emissions "corrected" for varying wind energy until the actual generated amount of each scenario, comparing SIA with the Reference and rest 2050 scenarios | ![]() Total annual costsTotal annual costs for varying wind energy until the actual generated amount of each scenario, comparing SIA with the Reference and rest 2050 scenarios |