Energy system analysis of feasible options towards 100% renewable energy system in Germany
About Project
The present report is the outcome of a Master Thesis project conducted during the fourth semester of the ‘MSc in Sustainable Cities’ postgraduate program in Aalborg University, Copenhagen. The project was carried out by Ioannis Aristeidis Kapetanakis and Spyridon Pantelis and supervised by Brian Vad Mathiesen, Professor with Specific Responsibilities, Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University Copenhagen.
The energy system of Germany is going through transition from nuclear and fossil energy sources of nowadays to a mostly renewable and sustainable version. Germany has set specific targets for the next decades until the year of 2050. The main purpose of the report is to address the challenges that arise on the way towards 100% renewable energy systems as well as to identify the technological opportunities that would enhance such a transition.
This study examines three different suggested pathways towards the 2050 German energy system, made by a think tank foundation (Heinrich Böll Foundation), a research organization (Fraunhofer Society) and a public authority (Federal Environment Agency). The EnergyPLAN tool is used to model these suggestions and develop three different energy system scenarios for the outline year of 2050. These scenarios are analysed and their performance is assessed with respect to the official 2050 targets. Based on the sector integration approach and the findings from the previous comparison, a new scenario is developed whose performance is compared with the other three.
The reports finds that sector integration approach towards ‘smart energy system’ is proved to be able to integrate more efficiently the intermittent renewable energy. With a focus on identifying synergies between the different sectors of the energy system, it can comprise a cost-efficient, environmentally friendly and economically feasible solution for the future German energy system.
The authors would like to thank supervisor Dr. Mathiesen for his guidance and inspiration, as well as Kenneth Hansen, Research Assistant, Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University Copenhagen, for his support. In addition, the authors acknowledge the IEA SCH Task 52, funded by the Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) and administrated by the Danish Energy Agency (Energistyrelsen), for its contribution regarding data procurement for the energy system analysis of Germany.